/ Politics - Devoted Service for the People's Well-being
Fairest Appraisal
  Changsong County in North Phyongan Province of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a mountain county. 95 percent of it is covered with mountains.
  The county produces foodstuffs, textiles, daily necessaries and all other consumer goods by relying on the raw material resources rich in its region, making an active contribution to the living of its people.
  The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un gave field guidance to different sectors of Changsong County in North Phyongan Province on June 13, Juche 102(2013).

  That day he dropped in at the Changsong Restaurant which had been rebuilt on a modern basis.
  The restaurant with green-roofed buildings of Korean style was as good as the famous Okryu Restaurant in the capital city of Pyongyang.
  Kim Jong Un stressed that the officials of the Changsong Restaurant should not rest content with their success but keep developing it, and entered a dining hall.
  He learned about the operation of the restaurant and the people's comment on it and was very satisfied to hear that they really like it.
  He said: The fairest appraisal is the voice of the people. No other appraisal is needed if the people say they like it. We must do every work to be liked by the people. Their demand and interests are precisely the standard of all undertakings.
  His instructions carried the noble intention of Kim Jong Un that whatever we do, we must do it to bring happiness to the people.