Supreme Institution for Training Party Cadres in the New Era
It is the supreme political institution of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea which is the pedigree farm for training the backbone of the WPK and the research centre supporting the Party building and activities ideologically and theoretically.
It was established on June 1, 1946 as the country's first permanent Party cadres training institution.
It was built anew and inaugurated in May 2024 and opened on June 1, 2024 marking the 78th anniversary of its establishment.
The school has administration and office building section, cultural and sports facilities section, living section and others built in a modern and practical way to suit their missions, functions and purposes. It is fully equipped with an advanced educational system and a high level of educational conditions and environment.
The school is turning out presentable pillars of the WPK who can play a big role in the Party building and activities and prominent figures of the Party who would assume heavy responsibilities of politics, the economy, culture and national defence.
Doctor Han Kyong Rim, Researcher of the Academy of Social Sciences, said the respected Comrade
"The respected Comrade
Giving detailed instructions on the important designing tasks concerning construction, he energetically guided the blueprint so that it can represent the aspect and quality of a research centre supporting the organizational and ideological strengthening of the Party and its leadership activities in educational practice and academically.

And he led the school to be built on the highest level."
The Central Cadres Training School of the WPK was wonderfully completed as a model structure of the times in a little over a year after the start of its construction.

The Central Cadres Training School of the WPK is wonderfully doing its duty as a political institution training the backbone of the Party who would provide a guarantee to the rosy future of the Juche cause by carrying forward the sacred original ideals and spirit of the Party.