/ Politics - Devoted Service for the People's Well-being
To Be Communist Mothers
  "It is easy to be a mother but difficult to discharge one's duty as the mother."
  Perhaps it means that too much effort is needed to bring up a child.
  The Fifth National Conference of Mothers was grandly held in the capital city of Pyongyang in December last year amid boundless respect and expectations of tens of millions of children.
  The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un was present at the conference and made a significant speech.
  He said the future of a country and a nation is built from the minds and hands of mothers and that mothers are the first builders of the beautiful future.

  The credit for the brilliant today of our country goes to our mothers who are ordinary and simple and the strongest before any difficulties and have become the roots, he said and heartily wished good health and happiness to all the mothers of the country who have endured more sufferings and troubles than anyone else.
  All the mothers in this country shed warm tears when he called them righteous and strong mothers who are most beautiful and wonderful in the world for their ennobling mentality although their beautiful looks vanish along with hardship.
  20 women who brought up their children wonderfully were awarded gold rings along with the first Communist Mother Honour Prize at the conference.

  Kim Jong Un met the mothers awarded the Communist Mother Honour Prize, shook hands with each of them and held them up as the glory of noble maternalism.
  Here is worker Ri Son Hwa at the Mangyongdae District People's Committee who participated in the Fifth National Conference of Mothers.
  "The respected Marshal Kim Jong Un hopes that not only a few specified mothers but all the 7 million mothers become communist mothers. He said that when mother herself becomes a communist, she can bring up her sons and daughters as communists.
  I think a communist mother should be a patriot living for the country, conscious of the duty of mother for her family and the society."
  The Korean mothers are simple and ordinary women that can be found everywhere and they think they have more things to do than those they did for the country and their children.
  Today, 7 million mothers of Korea are preparing themselves as communist mothers while leading a worthwhile life under the care of Kim Jong Un.