/ Politics - Devoted Service for the People's Well-being
New Era of Building the WPK Is Opening
  The Central Cadres Training School of the Workers' Party of Korea was built and inaugurated when a new era of comprehensive rejuvenation of the state is ushered in under the wise leadership of the WPK.
  The school with a total floor space of over 133,000 square metres has administration section, cultural and sports section, living section and others laid out in a modern and practical way to suit their missions, functions and purposes. It has been equipped with an advanced educational system and a high level of educational conditions and environment.
  It is a "pedigree farm" for training Party cadres which is directly guided by the WPK.
  The school with a nearly 80-year-long history is a permanent political institution training Party cadres which can correspond to the immediate task and strategic and historic mission of the revolution.
  Since its establishment the school has produced a lot of party officials and talented personnel who are skilled and steadfast in all aspects of the Party and state building and the revolutionary struggle.
  With a grand plan to face-lift the "pedigree farm" for training the backbone of the Party related to its eternal future as required by the developing times, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un chose the site of the school and energetically guided the work to build it into a political institution advanced and modern in all aspects.
  He made a speech at the inaugural ceremony of the Central Cadres Training School of the WPK on May 21, Juche 113(2024).
  In the speech he said: The history of the Central Cadres Training School of the WPK spanning nearly 80 years, when it has supported the ruling history of the WPK, teaches the truth that the historic cause of succession begins and comes to accomplishment at the "pedigree farm" for training reserve Party cadres and that the top priority in aspiring to and designing the bright future of the Party and the revolution should be given to the effort to build up an excellent base for training Party cadres. This is just the Party's strategic view of value.

  Researcher Ri Hye Sim at the Academy of Social Sciences says:
  "That day, the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un defined it as the primary revolutionary task for the cadres to equip themselves with the ideals, faith and spirit of the revolutionaries of the first generation who accomplished the cause of the Party founding. He affirmed that to do so is the best option for transforming the ranks of the Party cadres on a revolutionary and working-class pattern as soon as possible and a shortcut to ushering in a practical heyday of Party building.
  And he said it is a guarantee for the invincibility of the revolutionary Party and the law of its ruling to set great store by the sacred first page of the Party's history and invariably carry it forward as new pages and exploits are added to it.
  To guarantee the lasting prosperity of the WPK by carrying forward the ideals and spirit of the Party founding pure and clean is the core of the idea of our Party building, he said, adding that the WPK will grow stronger with today as a new starting point and write a proud chapter of history of making another great turn in the destiny of the country and people."
  A ceremony of opening the school took place with splendor on June 1, Juche 113(2024).

  That day, Kim Jong Un made a significant speech.
  In the speech he declared that the new era of building the WPK, the golden age of strengthening the Party, is opening at this point.
  For a ruling party, the more the revolution and construction advance, the greater importance is given to the role of talented party cadres capable of leading the development of all fields of politics, military affairs, the economy and culture and of all regions.
  History will record the opening ceremony of the school, along with the inauguration ceremony, as a strategic step, which would make its significance clearer and more vivid after 10 or 20 years, and as a meaningful ceremony, which promised a brighter future for our Party and country.