/ Politics - Devoted Service for the People's Well-being
Our Future
  The Democratic People's Republic of Korea regards the work for the coming generations as the most important of the state affairs. It is a policy of the Workers' Party of Korea and the state.
  At the Fourth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the WPK for discussing crucial matters of the country, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un stressed that it is a consistent policy of the Party and the state to supply the students and pupils across the country with school uniforms and things at the state's expense. And he set forth a task for supplying all the students and pupils with quality uniforms and bags of new forms without exception and took important measures for its implementation.
  At the Ninth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the WPK held in December 2023, he emphasized once again that the supply of necessities for schoolchildren by the Party and the state in a responsible manner is a consistent policy of the WPK and an eternal state policy of the DPRK.

  Han Kyong Hui, Vice-Headmistress of the Pongnam Primary School in Phyongchon District, says:
  "His concern is not confined only to the school uniforms, shoes, bags and things, the necessities used by our pupils every day.
  This year alone, the respected Marshal Kim Jong Un taught important issues for developing education on different occasions including the Tenth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the WPK in order to bring up the schoolchildren as pillars of the country.
  In August, too, he said education is an important undertaking for ensuring steady continuity of the generations of the Korean revolution and promoting the development of the country, and underlined that the Party and the government should not neglect the education of the rising generations even for a moment, no matter how difficult it may be."
  Bright and rosy is our future thanks to the great father Kim Jong Un who works heart and soul for the younger generations.