/ WPK General Secretary Kim Jong Un's
Revolutionary Activities
Historic speeches made by President of State Affairs Kim Jong Un printed and handed out
  The Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea brought out the important reports and conclusion made by the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un at the Ninth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Party Central Committee and handed them out to the members of the central leadership organ of the Party.
  The historic works of Kim Jong Un summed up the great victory of 2023 which clearly showed the era of the overall development of socialism and illuminated the realistic and scientific road for the vigorous advance of the revolution and the guideline of development. They are a banner of guidance which guarantees a greater leap forward to further expand and consolidate the priceless achievements made by heroic struggle and bring earlier a happy future of the country and people.
  Upon his crucial works, the members of the central leadership organ of the Party are replete with the extraordinary readiness to study the idea and spirit of the plenary meeting once again and thoroughly apply them to the practical struggle in the new year and thus correctly perform their heavy responsibility and role for the Party and revolution in attaining the grand goals of 2024 for making great changes in the socialist construction.
  The historic reports and conclusion made by Kim Jong Un at the Ninth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Party Central Committee will be published at the Workers' Party of Korea Publishing House and distributed to the Party organizations at all levels.