/ Features
Invincible Army
  The national defence policy of the Workers' Party of Korea is to defend the country and people with our own efforts and its essence is to deter any threats and challenges and defend peace reliably without any vacillation by the powerful defence capacity which is constantly developing and improving.
  The Eighth Congress of the WPK held in January Juche 110(2021) presented a task on steadily bolstering the national defence capability along a new track of development as long as imperialism remains on the earth and the danger of war of aggression by the hostile forces against our state persists.
  Our national defence industry has accelerated the development of military equipment of new generation corresponding to the modern warfare while correctly keeping the direction of planned development as presented by the Party Congress.
  On August 4, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un meaningfully said absolute and matchless self-defence capability provides a sure guarantee for independence, justice and peace, and ever-developing, inexhaustible strength is fundamental to our eternal victory, genuine peace, happiness and safety.

  In the severe world where the showdown of strength decides life and death, the guarantee for defending the present and future of the state and the people most righteously and reliably lies in increasing the self-defence capacity to the highly-developed one with no limit.
  Once, Kim Jong Un said we must be powerful first for our coming generations.
  It is his immutable will to make our greatest strength more absolute and irreversible and keep putting spurs to infinitely strengthening the national defence capacity.
  The Korean People's Army has always won victories and performed brilliant feats in more than 70-year-long history of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. It will demonstrate its might as an ever-victorious, invincible army under the leadership of Kim Jong Un.