/ Features
A People's Country
  The Democratic People's Republic of Korea was built by the Korean people according to their will for the first time in history.
  Its name, emblem, flag and anthem represent the sentiment, ideal, desire and aspiration of the Korean people.
  The "Democratic People's Republic of Korea", the name of our country, is associated with the exploits of the great leader Kim Il Sung who built a genuine people's independent sovereign state on this land for the first time in the 5,000-year-long history.
  The name of a country is the most important national symbol reflecting the class character and form of state and the type of government, and its institution plays the role of a milestone in state building.
  Kim Il Sung named our country the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" on the basis of its independent, truly democratic and popular character and the fundamental purpose and immediate task of the Korean revolution.
  "Korea" in the name of our country means a new Korea with the dignity of an independent sovereign state for the first time in the 5,000-year-long history in which she was called the land of morning calm from olden times.
  The expression "Democratic" represents the character of the Korean revolution.
  The expression "People" means a country where the people are its masters, which is as good as the core of its name.
  And the expression "Democratic People's Republic" comprehensively shows the form of state of our country.
  It carries the meaning that the masses of the people should be made genuine masters of the country and the state built into a democratic one serving the working masses.
  The name of the country proposed by Kim Il Sung, who always found himself among the people and regarded their will and interests as the fundamental guidelines for state building, enjoyed a full support of the entire Korean people.

  Not only the name of the country but also the national emblem, national flag and national anthem of the DPRK were completed under his wise leadership and meticulous guidance.
  Here is Kang Sun Jong, Lecturer of the Korean Revolution Museum.
  "Believing in the people as in heaven was the lifelong motto of the great leader Kim Il Sung.
  The absolute trust in and love for the people were the starting point of all his thinking and activities and the demands and interests of the people were the absolute criterion of his politics.
  The Democratic People's Republic of Korea was founded as the first people's state in the 5,000-year-long history of the nation along with the national flag and emblem drawn by Kim Il Sung in person, the name of the country he proposed with a deep meaning and the national anthem created under his energetic guidance and valuable instructions."