/ Features
Song "Forest Is Swaying"
  August 15 is the historic day when the great leader Kim Il Sung liberated Korea from the colonial rule of the Japanese Imperialists.

  On the occasion of the day, the Korean people recall the song "Forest Is Swaying" with deep emotion.
  Kim Il Sung started the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle under the banner of Juche in the 1920s to free the Korean people from the fate of colonial slaves.

  And he fought the 20-year-long bloody anti-Japanese war, crossing the ranges of Mt. Paektu.
  The soldiers of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army defended the headquarters at the cost of their lives as they knew quite well that the safety of Kim Il Sung was precisely the destiny and future of the motherland.
  The forests of the Paektu still tell of the immortal exploits of Kim Il Sung who fought the long bloody battles against the Japanese imperialists shouldering the destiny of the country and people and of the indomitable spirit of the guerrillas who remained faithful to his leadership.
  The song "Forest Is Swaying" eulogizes such ideological content through its solemn melody.
  It is resounding far and wide today, too, encouraging the Korean people to accomplish the revolutionary cause pioneered by the great leader to completion, keeping in their hearts the forests of the Paektu where the Korean revolution took its root.