/ Features
Declaration of Anti-Japanese War
  Korea had been a colony of the Japanese imperialists for over 40 years in the first half of the 20th century.
  She was robbed of her national power wholly by the Japanese imperialists and deprived of her culture and name. She was literally a living hell.
  At that time, the great leader Kim Il Sung set out on the road of revolution with a great ambition for national liberation.
  He found the profound truth in his teens that one is the master of one's own destiny and has the strength to shape one's destiny.

  He formed the Down-with-Imperialism Union, a vanguard organization of the Korean revolution, on October 17, Juche 15(1926) and put forward the line of anti-Japanese armed struggle at the Kalun meeting in June Juche 19(1930).
  On December 16, Juche 20(1931), he convened the historic Winter Mingyuegou Meeting in order to organize and wage an armed struggle.
  At the meeting, he called upon the entire nation to come out for armed struggle against the Japanese--those with weapons offering weapons, those with money donating money and those with strength contributing strength.
  This was a historic meeting which formally proclaimed an anti-Japanese war under the slogan "Oppose armed force with armed force, and resist counterrevolutionary violence with revolutionary violence!".
  After the meeting, a struggle for capturing weapons was active in all parts of the country and the Korean People's Revolutionary Army, the first revolutionary armed force of Juche type, was founded on April 25, 1932.
  The Korean people accomplished the historic cause of national liberation on August 15, Juche 34(1945) under the leadership of Kim Il Sung.