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Answer: About the Fatherland Liberation War
  In early July, "Voice of Korea" presented a question about the Fatherland Liberation War.
  We think many audience had a correct understanding of the Fatherland Liberation War of the Korean people in the course of finding out the answer to it.
  We prepared an account to help you have an understanding of the Fatherland Liberation War. We hope that all of you would have a deeper and correct understanding of the Fatherland Liberation War through the account.

About the Fatherland Liberation War

  The US imperialists provoked the Korean War on June 25, 1950.
  It was Sunday.
  The US imperialists fixed Sunday as the date of the Korean War and lurking behind it was a cunning plot to cover up their true nature as a provoker of the war.
  The then Chief of the American Military Advisory Group said: "We have chosen the 25th and this explains our prudence. It is Sunday. It's the Sabbath for both the United States and the Republic of Korea, Christian states. No one will believe we have started a war on Sunday."
  The Fatherland Liberation War was the first showdown between the democratic camp and the imperialist camp after the Second World War.
  The fact that the US imperialists mobilized not only their troops but also huge troops of their satellite states for the Korean War shows the fierceness and international character of the war.
  During the Fatherland Liberation War, numerous battles were fought and soldiers of the Korean People's Army wrought world-startling miracles in a number of battles.
  Typical of them are the campaign to liberate Seoul in which the enemy's capital was captured in three days after the outbreak of war, the campaign to liberate Taejon which created a brilliant model of modern siege warfare, the naval engagement on the sea off Jumunjin which recorded feats unprecedented in the world history of naval engagements by sinking the enemy's heavy cruiser "Baltimore" called "moving island" on the sea and destroying one light cruiser with four torpedo boats, the battle of Osan, the first fierce battle between the KPA and the US imperialist aggressor forces which completely annihilated the advance troops of the US 24th Infantry Division only in a few hours, and the battle to defend the Wolmi Islet which delayed the enemy's landing operation as long as three days by fighting against more than 50,000-strong troops, hundreds of warships and about 1,000 planes with four artillery pieces.
  A lot of heroes were produced during the Fatherland Liberation War.
  The number of Heroes of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea including double heroes amounts to more than 600.
  Among them are Hero Jang Thae Hwa who blocked an enemy pillbox for the first time during the war, Hero Ko Hyon Bin who was the first to put up the flag of the DPRK on the "central government building", the stronghold of the enemy's ruling mechanism, Hero Kang Ho Yong who threw himself into the enemy troops with a hand grenade in his mouth, Hero Jo Kun Sil who pressed the trigger of the heavy machine gun with his chin and gave wholesale deaths to the enemy when he couldn't move because of serious injury on his whole body and Hero Thae Son Hui who made brilliant war results as the first woman combat pilot of the DPRK.
  The fierce Fatherland Liberation War was ended in the victory of the Korean people on July 27, 1953.
  The US imperialists had to sign the armistice agreement admitting their defeat at 10 on July 27, 1953.
  The then "UN Forces" Commander Clark confessed that he was "the first US Forces Commander who signed the armistice agreement without winning victory in history".
  The factors of victory in the Fatherland Liberation War are the wise guidance of the great leader Kim Il Sung, noble patriotism displayed by the soldiers of the KPA and the Korean people, and mass heroism. The decisive factor of them is the wise leadership of Kim Il Sung.
  The world-historic significance of victory in the Fatherland Liberation War lies in having kept the US imperialists from implementing their strategy for world domination and prevented another world war to defend peace for humanity.
  The Fatherland Liberation War registered in history the truth that no force in the world can match the ideological strength of the army and people who rose up like phoenix in firm unity around the great leader, and the might of their mass heroism.
  The Korean people and service personnel of the People's Army will firmly carry forward the heroic fighting spirit and mettle displayed by the great victorious wartime generation and thus add eternal brilliance to the history of victory of Juche Korea.