/ Culture - Education and Public Health
Cradle for Musical Prodigies
  The Kyongsang Kindergarten in the capital city of Pyongyang is well-known at home and abroad. Because a lot of musical prodigies trained by the kindergarten struck the people with admiration on national and international arenas.

  Many of its graduates grew to be international contest winners and conductors, creators, players and educators loved by people.
  The Kyongsang Kindergarten has got wonderful conditions and environment needed for early musical education under the concern of the state and society.
  It teaches national musical instruments including kayagum and oungum and Western musical instruments such as piano and violin.
  The kindergarten directs big efforts to finding out children sensitive to music.
  It selects the musical instrument of every child on the basis of deep study of his or her musical aptitude, talents and physiological conditions, and actively adopts various creative teaching methods. It also applies visual education, demonstration and education in reality in diverse ways according to the intellectual development of the children.

  The Kyongsang Kindergarten is a cradle of happiness where the dreams and hopes of musical prodigies come true.