/ Culture - Art and Sports
Song "The Mother Party That Defended My Destiny"
  The song "The Mother Party That Defended My Destiny" was created in Juche 73(1984) with poem by Jon Tong U and music by People's Artist Han Si Jun.

  The Workers' Party of Korea has set it as its noble historic mission to thoroughly champion and realize the independence of the masses of the people and waged a vigorous struggle for the purpose.
  It has always regarded the people as the God. Even in grim days, it gave top priority to the interests of the people and took care of them with responsibility for their destiny.
  That's why the Korean people follow the WPK, calling it mother.
  Such ideological feelings of the Korean people are reflected in every line of the song "The Mother Party That Defended My Destiny".
  The ideological contents of the song are further emphasized by the earnest melody.

  The song "The Mother Party That Defended My Destiny" is widely sung by people with affection as it truthfully represents the ideological sentiments of the Korean people trusting and following the WPK to the last.