/ Lessons of Korean Language
On Mt. Taesong (4)
대성산에서 (4)
On Mt. Taesong

  1. 이 건물은 무엇입니까?
     (What is this building?)
  2. 력사유적인 광법사입니다.
     (It's Kwangbop Temple, a historic building.)
  1. 언제 세워졌습니까?
     (When was it built?)
  2. 4~5세기경에 처음 세운것으로 알려져있는데 지금의것은 1990년에 원상복구한것입니다.
     (It is known to have been built for the first time in the fourth or fifth century. The present one was restored to its original state in 1990.)
  1. 그렇습니까! 당시 건축술이 매우 발전하였다는것이 알립니다.
     Ku-rot-sum-ni-kka? Tang-si-gon-chuk-su-ri-mae-u-bal-jon-ha-yot-tta-nun-go-si-al-lim-ni-da.
     (Is that so? I can see that architecture was very developed at that time.)
  2. 옳습니다. 귀중한 문화유산인 광법사는 아름다운 대성산의 경치를 더욱 돋구어주고있습니다.
     Ol-sum-ni-da. Kwi-jung-an-mun-hwa-yu-sa-nin-gwang-bop-sa-nun-a-rum-da-un-dae-song-sa-nui-gyong-chi-rul-do-uk-dot-kku-o-ju-go-it-sum-ni-da.
     (Right. The precious cultural legacy--Kwangbop Temple--makes the scenery of Mt. Taesong more beautiful.)