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Performance given by Art Squad of CC, SWUK
  The performance "Thriving County and Patriotic Women" was given by the Art Squad of the Central Committee of the Socialist Women's Union of Korea at the Hall of Women in Pyongyang on the 6th to commemorate the 115th March 8 International Women's Day.
  It was enjoyed by Kim Jong Sun, Department Director of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, Jon Hyang Sun, Chairwoman of the Central Committee of the Socialist Women's Union of Korea, officials of the women's union organizations and women's union members in the city.
  The performance started with the chorus "Dear Father". The performers sang of the boundless honour and happiness of holding the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un in high esteem, who always pays deep attention to strengthening and developing the Korean women's movement and glorifies the dignity and honour of the women on the highest plane.
  Put on the stage were a witty talk, serial songs and other items representing the noble mentality of women who are devoting their sincerity to the unity and harmony of the society and families and the bright future of the rising generations, believing and following only the Party with a single heart.