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Officials of SPYL Central Committee conduct agitation for faster construction of large greenhouse farm
  Officials of the Central Committee of the Socialist Patriotic Youth League conducted motivation work at the construction site of the largest-ever greenhouse farm and the vegetable science research centre being built in the northwestern border area of the country according to the grand plan of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea.
  The central committee of the youth league made full preparations for agitprop to encourage the members of the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade in their creative campaign for the people's happiness.
  Officials of the youth league put on the stage colourful items including the agitation and song "Cheers of the People" and the instrumental music and serial songs "Our Dear Marshal", loudly singing of the revolutionary exploits of the respected fatherly Marshal Kim Jong Un who makes painstaking efforts day and night for the prosperity of the country.
  The songs such as "We Are Koreans" and "Both the Fatherland and Youth Will Shine" representing the valiant spirit of the Korean people and the might of the dignified powerful country added vitality to the construction site seething with youthful vigour.