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Enlarged plenary meeting of Cabinet held
  An enlarged plenary meeting of the Cabinet was held on the 3rd.
  It was guided by Kim Tok Hun, Member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea and Vice-President of the State Affairs Commission and Premier of the Cabinet of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
  Present at the meeting were Vice-Premiers Yang Sung Ho, Ri Chol Man and Jon Sung Guk and other members of the Cabinet.
  Also on hand as observers were officials of the institutions directly under the Cabinet, ministries and national agencies, chairpersons of the provincial, city and county people's committees, and officials of the agricultural guidance organs, industrial establishments and units in charge of 12 major goals.
  The meeting summed up the work done in the third quarter of the year to thoroughly implement the decisions adopted at the Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Plenary Meetings of the Party Central Committee and discussed measures to secure a clear practical guarantee for carrying out the five-year plan and improve the economic guidance and management.
  Pak Jong Gun, Vice-Premier of the Cabinet and Chairman of the State Planning Commission, made a report, which was followed by speeches.
  The meeting referred to the issue on carrying out the national economic plan for the fourth quarter of the year without fail to hit the 12 major goals set by the Party with success and finishing this year's readjustment and reinforcement at an early date and the issue on attaching importance to science and technology and raise the technical knowledge and skills of the working people to decisively improve the quality of products, and took relevant measures.