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First National Meeting of Officials in Field of Personnel Work held
General Secretary Kim Jong Un sends letter to participants in meeting
  The First National Meeting of Officials in the Field of Personnel Work was held in Pyongyang, the capital of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
  The meeting was aimed at taking practical measures to change the direction of the present personnel work into the scientific and efficient one of promoting our advance and development at fast speed in line with the requirements of the times when a new heyday of strengthening the whole Party is ushered in while clearly proving the validity and vitality of the five-point Party-building line of the new era--political building, organizational building, ideological building, discipline building and work style building--which was presented by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un as the direction of Party building in the new era in the historic commemorative lecture he gave when he visited the Central Cadres Training School of the Workers' Party of Korea on October 17, Juche 111(2022).
  The meeting seriously discussed practical issues to bring about a new improvement in implementing the Party's policy of revolutionizing the cadres on the basis of making a profound analysis and review of the successes and experiences gained and the deviations revealed in the field of personnel work at present and their consequences and causes.
  Present at the meeting were secretaries of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, officials of departments concerned of the Party Central Committee, senior officials and leading functionaries of the provincial, city and county Party committees and Party committees performing the same function as them, ministries, national agencies and armed forces organs and leading functionaries of the industrial establishments.
  When the meeting was declared open, the national anthem of the DPRK was played.
  A letter sent by Kim Jong Un, General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, to the participants in the First National Meeting of Officials in the Field of Personnel Work was courteously conveyed.
  The meeting heard a report and speeches.
  A letter of pledge to Kim Jong Un was adopted.
  Then, there was a workshop for the participants in the meeting.