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Press statement of Vice-Department Director of WPK CC Kim Yo Jong
  Kim Yo Jong, Vice-Department Director of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, released on Tuesday the following press statement titled "An Abnormal Object Appeared at Pusan Port: US Strategic Assets Would Not Find Their Resting Place in the Korean Peninsula".
  The Aerospace Reconnaissance Agency, an independent intelligence organ directly under the head of state of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, captured an abnormal object at a wharf, a subject of its constant attention at Pusan Port of the Republic of Korea at 10:03:10 on Monday and reported its reconnaissance data.
  A nuclear submarine appeared on the wharf where a US aircraft carrier used to moor at.
  The latest nuclear submarine, which has never appeared openly since it was commissioned in 2020, made its appearance at the Pusan operation base for the first time in history. It can be hardly regarded as a "sightseeing voyage".
  Given the United States has been demonstrating its overall strength recently while making public the "might" of its nuclear strategic assets in order, one can easily guess the true aim of the open port-call of the nuclear submarine which should have been concealed under the "surface of water".
  In June the US forces launched "Minuteman-3" intercontinental ballistic missiles twice and on September 18 they opened to the public the test-flight image of "B-21 Raider", a next-generation stealth strategic bomber, for the first time.
  The United States let the latest nuclear submarine of the US Navy anchor in Pusan Port of the Republic of Korea and thus took out all its cards called "three nuclear strategic assets".
  This clearly reveals the frantic military and strategic attempt of the United States hell-bent on intentionally demonstrating the "superiority of strength" before the world.
  The United States is now experiencing unprecedented strategic inferiority in the Korean peninsula and the Asia-Pacific region and is very afraid of the reality in which the entity of the strong power of independence against the United States, the fortress for defending justice is beginning to make its appearance in the region.
  Therefore, it is deploying all nuclear strategic assets in the Korean peninsula and its vicinity while cooking up various large and small military blocs in the region to contain the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and independent sovereign states by force of arms and to "bind" the group of its followers who feel uneasy and impatient.
  The "Wilmington Declaration" making the "nuclear threat" from anyone the subject of discussion was fabricated at the "QUAD" summit meeting held in Delaware State of the United States some days ago and the promise for the US-Japan-ROK cooperation to "cope with the so-called ever-increasing nuclear threat" was made at the US-Japan summit held on the same day. They are also typical products of the geopolitical sinister intention of the United States to politically and militarily encircle and stifle the DPRK and regional countries.
  The US latest nuclear submarine's visit to the port of the Republic of Korea is a proof that the US ambition to often take up nuclear strategic assets, boast of its strength, increase its threat to the rival and "enjoy" its hegemonic privilege by dint of its malicious strength at any cost is getting ever more extreme.
  No matter how the United States may demonstrate its "overwhelming capability" by rising to the surface even a submarine whose mission is to mount a final nuclear strike under the sea, nothing will change.
  The DPRK's nuclear war deterrent to cope with and contain various threats from outside is bound to be bolstered up both in quality and quantity continuously and limitlessly as the security of the state is constantly exposed to the US nuclear threat and blackmail.
  The US nuclear submarine's call at Pusan Port may be a break time for the US marines and a comfort for the US stooges, but it can never be an object of fear in the face of the super-powerful entity standing over against the United States.
  The US strategic assets will never find their resting place in the region of the Korean peninsula.
  We will continue to inform that all the ports and military bases in the Republic of Korea are not safe places.
  The United States is by no means a "pronoun of security".