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Official notice on convocation of DPRK SPA session issued
  The Standing Committee of the Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea made public an official notice on the convocation of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK on September 15, Juche 113(2024).
  The notice said the deputies to the SPA shall be informed of the convocation of the Eleventh Session of the 14th SPA in Pyongyang on October 7, Juche 113(2024) and the session shall discuss the issue on revising and supplementing the Socialist Constitution of the DPRK, the issue on examining and adopting the Law on Light Industry and the Law on External Economy and the issue on inspection and supervision of the execution of quality control law.
  It noted that the registration of deputies shall be done on October 6, Juche 113(2024).