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Floral baskets sent to bronze statues of great leaders Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il
  Families of persons abroad related to the anti-Japanese revolution, a foreign personage and a China-resident Korean sent floral baskets to the bronze statues of the great leaders Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il on Mansu Hill on the occasion of the 76th founding anniversary of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
  The senders are the families of Liang Chenglong, Piao Jisong and Jin Zhe, China-resident Koreans related to the anti-Japanese revolution; the family of Jin Shunyu related to the anti-Japanese revolution; the families of Feng Zhongyun, Cai Shirong, Chen Lei, Jie Qing, Hu Zhenyi and Fan Delin, Chinese related to the anti-Japanese revolution; Liu Xing, General Manager of the Shenyang Fanshiyixing Commercial Company Ltd. of China who is grandson of Fan Delin; Han Qishou, General Manager of the Hong Kong Xiangtongjieda International Trading Company Ltd. of China; and Jin Yinan, member of the Federation of Korean Economic Workers in China. The floral baskets in their name were placed before the bronze statues of the great leaders.