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Meeting and evening gala for celebrating 76th founding anniversary of DPRK held
  A meeting and evening gala for celebrating the 76th founding anniversary of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea took place with splendour in the capital city of Pyongyang on the 8th when the whole country was wrapped in the people's excitement and joy of greeting the national day at the apex of glory never known since its founding.
  Kim Il Sung Square was full of Pyongyang citizens and youth and students.
  The platform was taken by Kim Tok Hun and Choe Ryong Hae, Members of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, and other senior officials of the Party and the government.
  Also appearing on the platform were labour innovators and meritorious persons in different fields from across the country who were specially invited to the celebrations of the 76th founding anniversary of the DPRK.
  Invited to the meeting were veteran officials who had worked at important posts of the Party, the government and the military for a long time.
  Also invited were overseas Koreans including the congratulatory group of Koreans in Japan on a visit to the homeland on the occasion of the 76th founding anniversary of the DPRK and diplomatic envoys, members of missions and other foreigners in this country.
  The reviewing stands were taken by officials of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, ministries, national agencies and armed forces organs, meritorious persons of industrial establishments in the city and teaching staff and students of the revolutionary schools.
  The meeting for celebrating the 76th founding anniversary of the DPRK started.
  A ceremony of hoisting the flag of the DPRK was solemnly held.
  Representatives of workers, farmers, intellectuals, service personnel, sportspeople, artistes, students and revolutionary school children handed over the national flag to the guards of honour of the Korean People's Army.
  The national flag was hoisted amid the solemn playing of the national anthem of the DPRK.
  A speech was made by Kim Tok Hun, Member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the WPK and Vice-President of the State Affairs Commission and Premier of the Cabinet of the DPRK.
  Upon the authorization of the Central Committee of the WPK and the government of the DPRK, he sent warm congratulations to the entire civilians and service personnel of the armed forces of the DPRK who are opening a new era of epochal changes without yielding to the manifold trials, full of firm faith in the validity of our cause and absolute confidence in our strength, and to the overseas Koreans' organizations including the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan and compatriots who are struggling staunchly for the socialist homeland.
  He said that the founding of the DPRK was an important political event which brilliantly realized the long-cherished desire of the working masses for their genuine government and that the political philosophy of our state with the people-first principle as its quintessence and Korean-style socialism, the embodiment of the philosophy, are fully demonstrating their peculiar superiority and invincible might despite the severe tempest of history and presenting a new definition and new features of a powerful country to the times.
  He emphasized that the 76-year-long history of the DPRK, which has defended its people by dint of love and provided a genuine life to them with devoted service, is shining as a history which has trained the excellent people sharing their destiny with the country and won victories with them and that the creation of new looks of the genuine state where all people cast the anchor of their life and which they love and defend like their life and soul is a distinguished feat made by the DPRK in the human history of state building.
  Saying only victory is in store for the DPRK thanks to the ardent love of our people for socialism, he warmly called for fighting vigorously, full of courage and conviction, under the leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un for the high authority and immortal glory of the DPRK.
  Then there took place a demonstration of national flags of the DPRK.
  A column of large national flag entered the square.
  The marchers courteously holding up the national flag were filled with a pride of having achieved priceless victories, resolutely defending Korean-style socialism under the guidance of the great leader and the great Party.
  A column of Children's Union members marched past the square.
  Columns of national flags marched off one after another, showing beautiful rhythms.
  After the demonstration, the evening gala of youth and students began.
  Young people merrily danced to the tune of the songs "Let's Love Our Country" and "Our Best Country" and schoolchildren danced with hourglass-shaped drums and fans, adding pleasure to the people.
  Fireworks were set off, beautifully decorating the night sky over the venue of the evening gala.