/ Mailbag
E-mails from Our New Listeners
  Mario Arienti, Vasil Terziev, Theodore M. and Janne Petäjä sent their first e-mails to Voice of Korea. We congratulate them.
  Mario Arienti of Italy is a radio enthusiast for about 50 years. He sent a reception report to us, saying he has been very happy to receive our Radio Station "Voice of Korea".
  Vasil Terziev of Bulgaria informed us of his reception of Voice of Korea at 11:47UTC on August 15.
  Theodore said he has gone to other homepages including Voice of Korea to view Korean media and expressed thanks to us for continuing to provide news from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in English.
  Janne Petäjä of Finland said he had the great pleasure of listening to Voice of Korea in Tampere, and continued: Due to my remote location, it's often challenging to receive distant radio stations. However, under the right radio weather conditions, reception can be surprisingly good. Thank you for your excellent broadcast. I would greatly appreciate it if you could confirm my report.
  As to the confirmation of the reception report, we will let you know it on the section "Mailbag" of the internet homepage of "Voice of Korea". We hope that you'll visit this section on a regular basis.
  We wish you closer contact with us through the section "Mailbag".