/ Quiz Show
Question: About the Fatherland Liberation War
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  New audience took an active part in the quiz show with the question about Kim Il Sung Square raised in June last, leaving deep impressions.
  We are pleased at the fact that foreign audience of Voice of Korea are actively involved in the quiz show with great interest in it and express deep thanks to all the participants.
  Dear audience,
  Expecting your continuous participation, we present a new question.
  You should fill in the blanks.

About the Fatherland Liberation War

  1. The US imperialists provoked the Korean War on □ □ □.
  2. The Fatherland Liberation War was a confrontation between □ and □ for the □ time after the Second World War.
  3. Major battles were fought during the Fatherland Liberation War, which include □, □, □, □, □ etc.
  4. Well-known heroes of the Republic were produced during the Fatherland Liberation War, which amount to □ including □, □, □.
  5. The Fatherland Liberation War ended with the victory of □ on
□ □ □.
  6. The factors of the victory in the Fatherland Liberation War are □, □, □, of which, the decisive factor is □.
  7. The world-historic significance of the victory in the Fatherland Liberation War lies in having baffled the strategy of □ for world domination and prevented a new □ to defend □.