/ Culture - Life
Picturing the Future to Himself
  Ranger Kim Un Chol at the Taesong District Forestry Management Station is one of those taking care of the green forests to secure precious resources of the country.
  He became a ranger more than 10 years ago, when he planted 3,000 trees.
  He planted every tree with sincerity, picturing to himself the future when the young trees would grow exuberantly to form green woods.
  But their rooting rate was not high.
  So Kim Un Chol studied hard to widen his common sense and acquire knowledge necessary for planting and tending trees.
  Every day he walked 16-kilometre-long mountain path there and back always with a book in his hand. He also called at a number of institutes and advanced units to learn sci-tech issues and experiences in raising the rooting rate of trees.
  Having acquired rich knowledge of tree planting, he planted another 1,500 trees with sincerity in a scientific way, which came to life at last.
  He visited a number of tree nurseries across the country to get saplings of good species and built a tree nursery by himself.
  One day, he came back from a long way to get saplings of good species. Somebody asked him why he was taking the trouble to find saplings and whether he could benefit from them in the future.
  At this, Kim Un Chol said:
  Although we can't benefit from them in our generation, our children will do and the mountains of our hometown will be golden and treasure ones. No matter how hard it may be today, let's plant more trees of good species picturing the future to ourselves.
  Wherever he went, young trees took their roots and grew healthily and thick.

  The trees he planted for the first time after his discharge from military service grew to be large and have fruits on them.
  Kim Un Chol has planted and grown trees for more than 10 years and the road covered by him was long enough to go two times round the earth.