/ Culture - History
  Koguryo is the first feudal state that existed in Korea between 277 B.C. and A.D. 668.
  Koguryo, once a powerful country in the East, had a tremendous military force.

  At that time the horses were armoured and cavalryman riding on such horse was called Kaemamusa (warrior on armoured horse).
  Researcher Kim Sol Gyong at the History Institute under the Academy of Social Sciences says:
  "Kaema can be divided into chamfron, horse armour and decorations, which protect the horse from the enemy's attack and ensure its nimbleness.
  The chamfron was made of a whole iron plate with round holes for eyes and cheek shields and petal-shaped ear protectors on both sides."
  Pictures of warriors on armoured horses can be found on the walls of the Mausoleum of King Kogugwon and Twin Pillared Tomb, mural tombs of the Koguryo dynasty.
  All the armors worn by warriors in the mural paintings in the tombs were made by linking many metal scales which are two to three centimetres wide and three to four centimetres long and horse armours by linking scales bigger than the former ones.
  Among the horse armours was the one made of leather.
  The fact that both the horse and the warrior were completely clad in armour shows that the iron-making technique of Koguryo was very high and its potentiality was also great at that time.