/ The Economy - Others
Yangdok Spring Water Favoured by Capital Citizens
  There are hundreds of kinds of quality spring water helpful to improving the people's health in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea with beautiful mountains and clear rivers. One of them is the Yangdok Spring Water which is popular among capital citizens these days.
  The Yangdok Spring Water naturally gushes out in a cave halfway down a valley of the Puktaebong Mountains.
  It was registered as a state-designated natural monument for its rich essential microelements and minerals good for the human body.

  In order to produce a larger amount of the spring water of good quality gushing out in the Yangdok area and supply it to the capital citizens, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un solved all problems arising in remodelling the factory. And he named it the Yangdok Spring Water Factory.

  Ri Yong Sik, Workteam Head at the Yangdok Spring Water Factory, says:
  "Our factory was built under the warm love of the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un who is so concerned to provide the people with more affluent life.
  True to his noble love for the people, we turned the factory into a spring water producer with automated production processes in less than half a year and are normalizing the production at present."

  The officials and employees of the factory effect technical innovations to normalize the production on a high level with a pride of working at the factory associated with the warm care of Kim Jong Un.
  The field technicians and skilled workers pooled their efforts to manufacture and introduce a new fine bubble generating device and ozone disinfecting box, thus thoroughly ensuring the quality of the spring water.
  They also introduced a new control system into the original spring pool and the refining site, conducting the production activities in a scientific way while doing away with the waste of electric power and water.
  The factory pays due attention to improving the technical knowledge and skills of the workers so that they can operate their equipment and other machines skilfully and have the ability to solve the problems arising in the operation of the equipment by themselves.

  The Yangdok Spring Water keeping its pure taste and nutritive substances is supplied to the capital citizens every day thanks to the efforts of the officials and employees of the factory.