/ The Economy - Agriculture
Companion of High Yield
  These days, the interest in the agricultural sci-tech service program "Golden Fruit" 1.2 is growing in the field of agriculture.
  Pae Song Nam, Director of the Agricultural Informatization Research Institute under the Academy of Agricultural Science, says:
  "We are concentrating efforts on the work to develop and introduce programs for putting the agricultural production on a scientific and IT basis including the agricultural sector management information system and the agricultural science and technology dissemination system. We are constantly updating the databases including the agricultural resources database and the agricultural indices database in the direction of grasping and solving all the problems arising in reality."
  The program "Golden Fruit" updated by researchers of the institute is estimated as a popular IT product in the agricultural sector.
  The daily-increasing enthusiasm of the agricultural workers to reap a rich harvest urgently demanded the development of a program suited to it.
  In order to solve the problem, researchers travelled many farms across the country for several years.

  Listening to the opinions of farmers one by one, they intensified the research to renew the functions of the program.
  Thanks to their painstaking efforts, the program "Golden Fruit" could have excellent functions as a sci-tech service means.
  The updated program is popular among the users as it presents in time not only the prediction data on the growth of crops but also the data necessary for the agricultural production and management such as those on the implementation of farming processes and the judgment of estimated yield.
  The researchers of the institute are now making continued efforts to put the agricultural production of the country on a higher scientific footing.