/ Culture - Art and Sports
Devotion to Training Reserve National Musicians

  These are children of Samma Kindergarten No. 2 in Tongdaewon District.
  In recent years, the kindergarten has always taken the first place in the national art festivals of kindergarten children.
  The Janggu (hourglass-shaped drum) trio "Kayagum, Resound" and Janggu ensemble "My Best Country" prepared by children of the kindergarten evoked the admiration of many people as they showed their outstanding artistic talents.
  The kindergarten began to teach its children national musical instruments four years ago.
  Kim Yong Ran, head of the kindergarten, decided to teach national musical instruments in order to implant the national pride and honour in the minds of the children from their childhood.
  Teacher Kim Sol Gyong says:
  "There were many difficulties when we started the education in national music at the kindergarten.
  First of all, the teachers themselves lacked the qualifications to teach the children. At that time, our head energetically studied the data on national music and encouraged the teachers to do so. We admired her enthusiasm. She also invited specialists to guide the teachers to play national musical instruments. Sometimes she taught children in person and worked hard day and night, gaining experiences. She transferred all her experiences and methods to the teachers and we taught the children on the basis of them so that they could love the national songs, dances and musical instruments."
  In those days the talents of the children developed beyond recognition and they were introduced through several publications, adding pride to the kindergarten.

  Head Kim Yong Ran has this to say:
  "When our children love our songs and dances and play national musical instruments from their childhood, they can grow to be patriots who have a good understanding of the national traditions and add brilliance to them, I think."

  Head Kim Yong Ran and other teachers of the kindergarten are now devoting all their passion to training a larger number of little players of national musical instruments.