/ Culture - Science and Technology
Developers of Intelligent Education Program
  Constant development of science and technology demands talented personnel of practician and creator type.
  The Academy of Pedagogical Science has recently developed an Intelligent experimental simulation program helpful for the study of students, making a contribution to the educational practice.
  Section Chief Kim Un Dok has this to say.
  "This time we have developed the intelligent experimental simulation program 'Practical Ability' which enables the students to raise their intellectual faculties and creative application ability in the course of making different experiments reflected in the educational contents by themselves with virtual experimental equipment."

  This program helps the students to foster their creative application ability in the course of making experiments in physics, chemistry and basic technical subjects anywhere and anytime.
  The Ninth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea presented a task to make 2024 a year of greater change in putting education of the country on a par with the level of an advanced country. In order to carry it out, the developers set a research target to develop a program and got to its attainment. The program was designed for the students to make different kinds of experiments in some subjects such as nature for primary school, natural sciences for junior middle school and physics, chemistry and biology for senior middle school by using a number of intelligent virtual experimental equipment and materials.
  The developers had to analyze and complete the basic data for the program one by one, which demanded them spend much time and invest a lot of labour.
  They devoted their speculation and efforts with a will to contribute to education with scientific research findings for the future of the country.
  Pooling their wisdom and enthusiasm, they analyzed the vast basic data one by one and finally completed the intelligent experimental simulation program "Practical Ability".
  Their new program was highly estimated as an excellent IT product at the "National IT Successes Exhibition--2023" held last year.
  It has been disseminated to the provinces as well as the city of Pyongyang. Teachers and parents praise it as a good product of raising faculties of inquiry of students and their enthusiasm for study.
  Kim Un Dok says:
  "We are going to further develop it into an intelligent experimental system to evaluate the practical ability of students and present the way and data for study according to it."
  They continue to think and pursue so as to make an active contribution to education for training the students as talented personnel of practician and creator type.